Create Multiple Records in One Form. Only One Field Changes per Record

后端 未结 1 1047
南笙 2021-01-22 05:28

Where I work we receive electronic meters from customers and try to solve the errors they have. We will receive 4-8 meters at a time that all have the same problem, same specs,

  • 2021-01-22 06:29

    You could bind a subform to the table that stores your meter records and then have some unbound fields on your main form that allows you to enter the information that would be repeated in your batch of records. You could also put another unbound text box on the main form to specify the number of records you want that will have this repeated information.

    So in the mock-up below, you'd specify how many records you want (red box), e.g. 10 records:

    Then you'd supply the data that would be repeated for these 10 records (blue boxes):

    You'd then click a button that would create the number of records specified with the repeated information given:

    It would then just be a case completing the unique serial number for each of the records in the batch you have generated.

    Here's the VBA I used on the Add button:

    Private Sub cmdAddRecords_Click()
        batchAdd Me.txtRecords
    End Sub

    ...and the batchAdd sub routine it calls:

    Public Sub batchAdd(records As Integer)
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
        Dim i As Integer
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblMeters")
        i = 1
        Do While i <= records
            rs!SerialNumber = ""
            rs!MeterFirmware = Me.MeterFirmware
            rs!MeterCatalog = Me.MeterCatalog
            rs!Customer = Me.Customer
            rs!MeterKh = Me.MeterKh
            rs!MeterForm = Me.MeterForm
            rs!MeterType = Me.MeterType
            rs!MeterVoltage = Me.MeterVoltage
            i = i + 1
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing
    End Sub

    Here's a link to the mock-up (if you want a closer look).


    In response to your query about whether the subform could be filtered so it doesn't just become a big list of all meters, you could add another field to the tblMeters table that will take the date and time that you added records to the table:

    You'd then need to add another line to the batchAdd sub that will put the system time and date in this new field:

    Do While i <= records
        rs!SerialNumber = ""
        rs!MeterFirmware = Me.MeterFirmware
        rs!MeterCatalog = Me.MeterCatalog
        rs!Customer = Me.Customer
        rs!MeterKh = Me.MeterKh
        rs!MeterForm = Me.MeterForm
        rs!MeterType = Me.MeterType
        rs!MeterVoltage = Me.MeterVoltage
        rs!DateAdded = Now                  ' <-- HERE!
        i = i + 1

    You'll then need to change the subform's Record Source property (Design View > select subform > Property Sheet > Data tab > Record Source):

    Put the following SQL in there:

    SELECT TOP 15 tblMeters.SerialNumber, tblMeters.MeterFirmware, tblMeters.MeterCatalog, 
    tblMeters.Customer, tblMeters.MeterType, tblMeters.MeterForm, tblMeters.MeterKh, 
    tblMeters.MeterVoltage, tblMeters.DateAdded 
    FROM tblMeters 
    ORDER BY tblMeters.DateAdded DESC;

    ... which will order the records by the date/time field (most recent at the top) and then show only the first 15 of these records. If you want a different number of records change the TOP 15 bit to a different number of your choosing.

    When you click "Add", your new batch of records should be added to the top of the list and the list should stay at a maximum of 15 records (or whatever number you specify in TOP ...)

    Be aware that when I was testing this, clicking the "Add" button rapidly a few times seemed to cause the sql to not bother with the TOP ... filter, but as long there's like a second or more between each "Add" click it seemed to work fine.

    Hope this helps.

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