We got a memory error in our EA and we used -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/some/dir
to dump the heap at the time of OOM.
We had a
I was using MAT on Linux yesterday.... check out the proper version here
We have had success in the past using Netbeans to analyze OOM errors. It seemed to cope where Eclipse and JHAT couldn't.
forget Jhat, you would need more than 100Gybte of RAM to parse this dump, it would take forever and it would be very hard to find something. I just lately installed MAT on a SUSE 11 machine. worked flawlessly . Can you please make sure that MAT is using the right JVM? Not sure whether we testet it with anything else then the SUN/SAP JVMs.
Regards, Markus (kohlerm)