I am building a RESTful Web Service with Java Jersey 2.17. The Client for it. I am developing with ExtJS 5.
My classes on the service
By using @Path
on method level, you are overriding the defined @Path
at class level.
If you are using Apache Tomcat, use their CORS lib: Tomcat CORS filter. This way it is cleaner and covers all the exceptions as well.
, as well as GET
requests should not have a payload (entity body). I don't know if this is specified anywhere, but you can see discussion here.
That's what's causing the 400 Bad Request
(will occur for GET also). Get rid of it, and it will work. But anyway there is not even a need to send that body, as you are, only information is the id
, which is already included in the in the URL path.
If that's just an example, and you need to send some other arbitrary information along with the request, then use query params, e.g.
public String deleteUser(@PathParam("id") final String id,
@QueryParam("some") String some,
@QueryParam("other") String other,
@QueryParam("data") String data) {}
With jQuery, you could do
var params = {
var encoded = $.param(params);
var url = baseUrl + "?" + encoded;
url: url,
So after some investigation, this seems to be a Grizzly problem. I've tested with Jetty, and it works fine.
See similar issue
So as @alexey stated in a comment below
You're right, Grizzly by default doesn't allow payload for HTTP methods, for which HTTP spec doesn't explicitly state that. Like HTTP GET, DELETE, HEAD. But you can switch the support on by calling:
Please not the method should be called before startingHttpServer
So the fix would be to do something like
public static HttpServer createServer() {
final ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig();
rc.packages(true, "app");
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(
URI.create(BASE_URI), rc, false);
return server;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
final HttpServer server = createServer();
System.out.println(String.format("Jersey app started with WADL available at "
+ "%sapplication.wadl\nHit enter to stop it...", BASE_URI));
Tested and it works as expected.