One of my development applications has today started displaying American formatted short dates where I am expecting British formatting.
The dates are being rend
The windows regional settings does not affect any website, unless the website is programmed to get the regional settings from the browser preferred languages and apply them to the ASP site
Use the globalization
option in the web.config
<globalization culture="es-AR" uiCulture="es" />
Set the value in the global.aspx
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim lang As String = "es"
If HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains("/en/") Then
lang = "en"
ElseIf HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains("/pt/") Then
lang = "pt"
ElseIf HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains("/es/") Then
lang = "es"
End If
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(lang)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(lang)
End Sub
The value of the current DateTime object is formatted using the pattern defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern property associated with the current thread culture. The return value is identical to the value returned by specifying the "d" standard DateTime format string with the ToString(String) method.
Have you tried changing the culture for the current thread? This can be set on a per page basis as well -