How to make a sprite sit on a moving sprite and travel with it. I have made the red box jump with impulse and when it falls on the black block down which is moving, the red box
If you have an skaction that has a duration, it keeps the object moving until the duration is over, creating the object to not stay on another object. So rather than using a action to move the object, update its position with the update function, and make it stop moving when it touches a block.
You can remove the red block then add it as a child node to the moving block:
var redBlockPosition = childNodeWithName("redBlockName")?.position //find where red block is in self
var movingBlockPosition = childNodeWithName("movingBlockName")?.position //find where moveing block is in self
var redBlockPositionFromMovingBlock = CGPointMake(redBlockPosition.x + movingBlockPosition.x, redBlockPosition.y - movingBlockPosition.y) //find where red block is from moving block's origin
childNodeWithName("redBlockName")?.removeFromParent() //remove red block
redBlock.position = redBlockPositionFromMovingBlock //change redBlock's position
childNodeWithName("movingBlockName")?.addChild(redBlock) //add red block as a child node of moving block
Hope this helped and good luck.
Try redBox.physicsBody.allowsRotation = NO
A Boolean value that indicates whether the physics body is affected by angular forces and impulses applied to it.
And adjust redBox.physicsBody.restitution
between 0.0 to 1.0,
The bounciness of the physics body.
In a physics simulation, you should apply velocity and forces for the simulation to work correctly. Physics cannot be simulated correctly using SKAction
First the SquareTwo
needs to be made dynamic for it to be effected by forces. Make the mass of SquareTwo
big so that the body is not affected by the other SquareOne
colliding with it.
SquareTwo.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
SquareTwo.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
// Make the mass big so that the body is not affected by the other body colliding with it.
SquareTwo.physicsBody?.mass = 1000000
Then inside touchesBegan
you can set a velocity to SquareTwo
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
/* Called when a touch begins */
for touch in (touches as! Set<UITouch>) {
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
SquareTwo.physicsBody?.velocity = CGVectorMake(-10, 0)