I am an IDL user slowly switching to numpy/scipy, and there is an operation that I do extremely often in IDL but cannot manage to reproduce with numpy:
IDL> a
This is known as the outer product of two vectors. You could use np.outer:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([2, 4])
b = np.array([3, 5])
c = np.outer(a, b)
# [[ 6 10]
# [12 20]]
Assuming that both of your inputs are numpy arrays (rather than Python lists etc.) you also could use the standard *
operator with broadcasting:
# you could also replace np.newaxis with None for brevity (see below)
d = a[:, np.newaxis] * b[np.newaxis, :]
You could also use np.dot in combination with broadcasting:
e = np.dot(a[:, None], b[None, :])
Another lesser-known option is to use the .outer method of the np.multiply
f = np.multiply.outer(a, b)
Personally I would either use np.outer
or *
with broadcasting.