I am trying to do collision detection between a rectangle and a circle. I came up with this method:
-(BOOL) isCollidingRect:(CCSprite *) spriteOne WithSphere:(CC
This is not a solution for those who use Cocos2d-ObjC, but will help for Cocos2d-x devs (for instance, personally I found this topic because was searching for the same for my c++ game).
Cocos2d-x has method "intersectsCircle" for Rect class.
Here is how I solved in my c++ project almost the same problem as one described by you:
bool ObstacleEntity::hasCollisionAgainst(cocos2d::Sprite *spr)
cocos2d::Rect rect = cocos2d::Rect( spr->getPositionX(), spr->getPositionY(), spr->getBoundingBox().size.width, spr->getBoundingBox().size.height);
float rw = this->getBoundingBox().size.width / 2;
float rh = this->getBoundingBox().size.height / 2;
float radius = ( rw > rh ) ? rw : rh;
cocos2d::Vec2 center( this->getPositionX() + rw, this->getPositionY() + rh );
return rect.intersectsCircle( center, radius );
Passed Sprite here is rectangle, while ObstacleEntity always is almost ideally round. Note that anchor points for all entities are set to lower left corner in my case.
You can use CGRectIntersectsRect to achieve this.
-(BOOL) isCollidingRect:(CCSprite *) spriteOne WithSphere:(CCSprite *) spriteTwo {
return CGRectIntersectsRect([spriteOne boundingBox],[spriteTwo boundingBox]);
It is not pixel perfect but as i understand that is not necessary in this case.