For a school project, I\'m creating a game that has a score system, and I would like to create some sort of leaderboard. Once finished, the teachers will upload it to a shared s
The easiest is probably to just use mongodb or something (mongo DB is a nosql type database that allows you to save dictionary data easily...)
You can use the free account at (taht should give you plenty of space).
(You will need pymongo as well easy_install pymongo
then you can simply save records there
from pymongo import MongoClient
uri = "mongodb://"
my_db_cli = MongoClient(uri)
db = my_db_cli.joran1 #select the database ...
my_scores = db.scores #this will be created if it doesnt exist!
#add a new score
my_scores.insert({"user_name":"Leeeeroy Jenkins","score":124,"time":"11/24/2014 13:43:22"})
my_scores.insert({"user_name":"bob smith","score":88,"time":"11/24/2014 13:43:22"})
from pymongo import DESCENDING
#get a list of high scores (from best to worst)
print (list(my_scores.find().sort("score",DESCENDING)))
Those credentials will actually work if you want to test the system (keep in mind I added leeroy a few times).