I am reading one Persian text file (using PHP) with the help of below code:
/* Reading the file name and the book (UTF-8) */
You'll need to make sure that the page where you're displaying the text file has correct encoding.
The reason you are seeing this is because you are just echoing the contents raw. Your browser will need more information, in order to display the message in its correct form.
The easiest way is to use the snippet below.
/* Reading the file name and the book (UTF-8) */
if (file_exists($SourceDirectoryFile))
$NameBook = "name.txt";
$AboutBook = "about.txt";
// Using file_get_contents instead. Less code
$myFile = "Computer-Technolgy/2 ($i)/" . $NameBook;
$contents = file_get_contents($myFile);
// I want my browser to display UTF-8 characters
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
echo 'Name file: ' . $contents . '<hr/>';
Please note that the header
function needs to be executed at the beginning of the output to the browser. So for instance if you have additional data that is displayed prior to this function, you need to move the header statement at the top. Otherwise you will end up with warnings on screen that the headers have already been set.
final and best solution is this: use this line under your connect
mysqli_set_charset( $con, 'utf8');
like this:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","amirahmad","shoutit");
mysqli_set_charset( $con, 'utf8');
and at the end add this line right under the head tag in your html to make sure your page have utf-8 charset,like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
and that's it . you can read formal document here : pph.net charset