I am creating a plot using ggplot2 which is almost perfect, it looks like this:
However, I want to change the order that the \'watering treatment\' boxes are sh
To get your colors in order, do the following: 1. Set the water column as a factor with the levels in the order that you want them to appear. 2. When setting the values in scale_fill_manual, set the colors in the order you want them to appear.
See below for result. Note that I removed your labels to make it more clear what colors correspond to what factor levels. You can add them back in, of course.
myDf = data.frame(
Ring = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2),
CO2 = c(550,550,550,550,550,475,475,475),
"plot_NH4.2x25" = c(2.228750,4.945625,22.724375,-0.644375,-0.770000,2.228750,4.945625,1.348750)
myDf$Water = factor(myDf$Water, levels = c("R","Y","B","P","W"))
ggplot(data=myDf, aes(x=CO2, y=plot_NH4.2x25, fill=Water)) +
stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar', width = 0.5, position=position_dodge(0.75))+
theme(panel.border = element_blank(), #remove box boarder
axis.line.x = element_line(color="black", size = 0.5), #add x axis line
axis.line.y = element_line(color="black", size = 0.5), #add y axis line
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.key.size = unit(1.5, 'lines'),
legend.key = element_blank(), #remove grey box from around legend
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(-5,140), breaks=seq(0,140,20))+ #change x axis to intercept y axis at 0
scale_fill_manual(values=c("firebrick1", "yellow2","skyblue2", "orchid1", "seagreen3"),
name=" Watering treatment")+
ylab(expression(Membrane~available~NH[4]^{" +"}~-N~(~mu~g~resin^{-1}~14~day^{-1})))+
Note that my plot below doesn't match yours (presumably) due to the limited number of rows provided.
Following up on my comment, here's how you could use facetting to make the Water
values easier to follow without a legend. I also include the factor
code to set the order of the Water
levels. In addition, it might be easier to just recode the levels of Water
before plotting, so I include code to do that as well.
# Fake data
NH4_24March_plot = data.frame(CO2=rep(c(550,475), each=30), Water=rep(c("A","B","C"), 20),
values=rnorm(60, 50, 10))
# Set order of Water column
NH4_24March_plot$Water = factor(NH4_24March_plot$Water, levels=c("B","A","C"))
# Recode Water values (and note that the recoded values maintain the corresponding order
# of the Water levels that we set in the previous line of code)
NH4_24March_plot$Water_recode = recode(NH4_24March_plot$Water,
"A"="optimal summer\noptimal autumn",
"B"="excess summer\nlimited autumn",
"C"="limited summer\nexcess autumn")
ggplot(NH4_24March_plot, aes(Water_recode, values, fill=Water_recode)) +
geom_boxplot(show.legend=FALSE) +
facet_grid(. ~ CO2, labeller=label_bquote(cols=CO[2]:~.(CO2)~mu*mol%.%mol^{-1})) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, max(NH4_24March_plot$values))) +