Within a React-Native (0.43) application we are using a component that uses a SectionList to render photos sorted by day. Each section can contain
I managed to resolve the issue with the use of react-native-fetch-blob and react-native-image-resizer for both iOS and Android. Performance is unexpectedly good in comparison to the implementation in the question above. I shared the code below for others to use :)
export function compressPhoto(photo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let tempUri = `${cache}/Vire_${}.jpg`
fs.writeFile(tempUri,, "base64")
.then(() => {
`file:${tempUri}`, IMAGE_TARGET_SIZE, IMAGE_TARGET_SIZE, "JPEG", 100, 0).then((resizedImageUri) => {
fs.readFile(`${resizedImageUri}`, "base64")
.then( data => {
resolve({, data: {, userPhoto: data }})
.catch(error => reject(`readFile:error: ${error}`))
(error) => reject(`createResizedImage:error: ${error}`)
.catch( error => {
reject(`writeFile:error: ${error}`)
The gist is storing base64 encoded picture in the cache-directory and using imageResizer to fetch the image, compress it, and read it again in base64 for use.