With my data I created with the following code:
fd <- as.data.frame(modelfit, which = \'density\')
color <- rgb(85, 141,
You can try setting shade=1
and border=NA
in the persp
Showing dates is a bit trickier, but can be done by hiding axes using axes=FALSE
and redrawing them by finding opportune coordinates with the trans3d
This would give something like:
persp.mat <- persp(x, y, z, theta=50, phi=25, expand=0.75, col=color,
ticktype="detailed", xlab="", ylab="time", zlab="density",
shade=.4, border=NA, axes=F)
# The coords at which we want ticks
x.ticks <- seq(-0.2, 0.2, 0.1)
# Transform them in 3D
x.3d <- trans3d(x.ticks, 0, 0, persp.mat)
x.3d.1 <- trans3d(x.ticks, 0, -2, persp.mat)
# The coordinates for the text
x.3d.labels <- trans3d(x.ticks, -60, -3, persp.mat)
# Draw the axis ticks
segments(x.3d$x, x.3d$y, x.3d.1$x, x.3d.1$y)
# Write the labels
text(x.3d.labels$x, x.3d.labels$y, x.ticks, cex=0.8)
# Do the same for the other axes, customize the text labels
# to write dates
y.ticks <- seq(0, 2000, 500)
# Or whatever you like...
y.labels <- c("2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013")
y.3d <- trans3d(0.2, y.ticks, 0, persp.mat)
y.3d.1 <- trans3d(0.2, y.ticks, -2, persp.mat)
y.3d.labels <- trans3d(0.22, y.ticks, -3, persp.mat)
segments(y.3d$x, y.3d$y, y.3d.1$x, y.3d.1$y)
text(y.3d.labels$x, y.3d.labels$y, y.labels, cex=0.8)