I have the following object list:
{id:1, url:\"www.example.com/image1\", adType:\"image/jpeg\"},
{id:2, url:\"www.example.com/image2\", adType:\"ima
If you want to change the media on every 5 seconds, you will have to update the state to re-render your components You can also use setInterval
instead of setTimeout
. setTimeout
will be triggered only once, setInterval
will be triggered every X milliseconds. Here what it may look like:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { activeMediaIndex: 0 };
componentDidMount() {
setInterval(this.changeActiveMedia.bind(this), 5000);
changeActiveMedia() {
const mediaListLength = this.props.medias.length;
let nextMediaIndex = this.state.activeMediaIndex + 1;
if(nextMediaIndex >= mediaListLength) {
nextMediaIndex = 0;
this.setState({ activeMediaIndex:nextMediaIndex });
const ad = this.props.medias[this.state.activeMediaIndex];
let adType = ad.adType;
<div className="imagePreview">
<img src={ad.url} />
}else if (adType.includes("video")){
<video className="videoPreview" controls>
<source src={ad.url} type={adType}/>
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Basically what the code is doing is that every 5 seconds, will change the activeMediaIndex to the next one. By updating the state, you will trigger a re-render. When rendering the media, just render one media (you can also render the previous one and the next one like a classic slideshow). Thus way, every 5 seconds, you will render a new media.
Don't forget to clear the timeout to prevent memory leaks:
componentDidMount() {
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
componentWillUnmount() {