Let N(x) be the value of the decimal numeral with the fewest significant digits
such that x is the double
value nearest the value of the numeral.
You can convert to 'integers' by multiplying then dividing by a power of ten:
(10*.3 - 10*.2)/10 == 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625
It may be possible to work out the appropriate power of ten from the string representation of the number. @PatriciaShanahan suggests looking for repeated 0's or 9's.
Consider using a BigDecimal library such as javascript-bignum instead.
You could also inquire in Smalltalk Pharo 2.0 where your request translates:
^(b asMinimalDecimalFraction - a asMinimalDecimalFraction) asFloat
Code could be found as attachment to issue 4957 at code.google.com/p/pharo/issues - alas, dead link, and the new bugtracker requires a login...
source code is also on github, currently:
The algorithm is based on:
Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig
Printing Floating Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately
ACM SIGPLAN 1996 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
June 1996.
As a baseline: In Java, the Double.toString()
provides the N(x) function described in the question, returning its value as a numeral. One could take the strings for a and b, subtract them with the elementary-school method, and convert the resulting string to double
This demonstrates solving the problem is quite feasible using existing library routines. This leaves the task of improving the solution. I suggest exploring:
values), subtract them, and divide by the power of ten?b-a
or some simple expression can be quickly rounded to something near a decimal numeral, bypassing the code that would be necessary for harder cases? E.g., could we prove that for numbers within a certain range, (round(10000*b)-round(10000*a))/10000
always produces the desired result?