Below is the code to send the data to Elasticsearch in local
r = [{\'Name\': \'Dr. Christopher DeSimone\', \'Specialised and Location\': \'Health\'},
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, RequestsHttpConnection
session = boto3.session.Session()
credentials = session.get_credentials()
awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key,
session.region_name, 'es',
es = Elasticsearch(
def lambda_handler(event, context):
es.indices.create(index='my-index', ignore=400)
r = [{'Name': 'Dr. Christopher DeSimone', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Tajwar Aamir (Aamir)', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Bernard M. Aaron', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Eliana M. Aaron', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Joseph J. Aaron', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Michael R. Aaron', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Darryl H. Aarons', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. William B. Aarons', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Sirike T. Aasmaa', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'},
{'Name': 'Dr. Jacobo A. Abadi', 'Specialised and Location': 'Health'}]
for e in enumerate(r):
es.index(index="my-index", body=e[1])
To complement @jellycsc, to run your the code on lambda you will need to bundle required packages with your lambda code.
This means that you should prepare you lambda deployment package with the following python libraries:
AWS docs show how to do this: