Sprite Kit, Xcode.
I need to find a way to change a sprites image within the program itself. I know how to create jpg files and make them into the sprite image...
<If I understand your question correctly, you can achieve what you're after using the textureFromNode
method on SKView
In your SKScene
-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
SKShapeNode *shape = [SKShapeNode shapeNodeWithCircleOfRadius:100];
shape.fillColor = [UIColor blueColor];
shape.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width * 0.25, self.size.height * 0.5);
[self addChild:shape];
SKTexture *shapeTexture = [view textureFromNode:shape];
SKSpriteNode* sprite = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture: shapeTexture];
sprite.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width * 0.75, self.size.height * 0.5);
[self addChild:sprite];
Hope that helps!
You cannot change a SKSpriteNode image once you assign it. To do what you want, you need to create a SKSpriteNode using a texture.
- (instancetype)initWithTexture:(SKTexture *)texture
To change a SKSpriteNode's texture you assign a new texture using its texture property. You can also do this using an image converted to a texture like this:
myNode.texture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:@"imageName"];
As for a SKShapeNode, you cannot assign an image. Only a path, rect, circle, ellipse or points. Look at the SKShapeNode class docs section Creating a Shape Path for more info.