I\'ve built a simple editor online without identity, implemented in backend with Node.JS with Socket.IO, MongoDB, and client using React connecting Socket.IO.<
I've found the answer for my question.
I've tried with simple version using Froala Editor with React and Redux on https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-froala-editor?file=style.css and I've found why it's crashing after 11 times.
Because Froala is using with license, but I've using CSS to remove the banner of Froala so when the 11th change, editor will crash.
I've tried with hidden version (hide license banner) and with no hidden, and the hidden version is crash after 11 times.
I also found a trick how to handle this problem, I don't hide banner, but I set it is invisible by font-size: 0
and padding: 0
div.fr-wrapper>div>a {
/* display: none !important; */
/* position: fixed; */
/* z-index: -99999 !important; */
font-size: 0px !important;
padding: 0px !important;
height: 0px !important;