After a lot of bug-hunting, I managed to narrow my problem down to this bit of code:
dup = {a: [1]}{x: [dup, dup]});
As I explained in the bug report, the cause of the bug is that the objects are identical. If your object dup
only contains simple values (i.e. no nested arrays or objects, only primitive values such as strings, numbers, booleans, null, ...), then a shallow clone of the object is sufficient:
dup = {a: [1]}
dup2 = Object.assign({}, dup);{x: [dup, dup2]});
If you need support for nested objects, then you have to make a deep clone. There are many existing libraries or code snippets for that, so I won't repeat it here. A simple way to prepare values for is by serializing it to JSON and then parsing it again (then all objects are unique).
dup = {a: [1]}
var valueToSave = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([dup, dup]));{x: valueToSave});
// Or:
var valueToSave = [ dup, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dup)) ];{x: valueToSave});