In my styles/app-theme.html
I am trying to change the menu icon size of paper-drawer-panel
in the media query. This element is in index.html. Since it
Polymer currently uses a shim (a partial polyfill) to evaluate custom properties. As such, they aren't automatically recalculated. What you can do, however, is use iron-media-query (or directly use matchMedia) to know when to call updateStyles on the element(s) that need updating.
Here's an example of using updateStyles:
is: 'seed-element',
properties: {
largeScreen: {
type: Boolean,
observer: '_largeScreenChanged'
_largeScreenChanged: function(newValue) {
'--h1-color': (newValue ? 'red' : 'blue')
<dom-module id="seed-element">
h1 {
color: var(--h1-color, red);
<iron-media-query query="(max-width: 600px)" query-matches="{{largeScreen}}"></iron-media-query>
<seed-element id="topmenu"></seed-element>