I try to use pretrained model (VGG 19) to DIGITS but I got this error.
ERROR: Your deploy network is missing a Softmax layer! Read the documentation fo
You're having a problem because you're trying to upload a "train/val" network when you really need to be uploading an "all-in-one" network. Unfortunately, we don't document this very well. I've created an RFE to remind us to improve the documentation.
Try to adjust the last layers in your network to look something like this: https://github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/blob/v4.0.0/digits/standard-networks/caffe/lenet.prototxt#L162-L184
For more information, here is how I've proposed updating Caffe's example networks to all-in-one nets, and here is how I updated the default DIGITS networks to be all-in-one nets.