I\'m writing a program which needs a user input for an polynomial function of x. I\'m using Tkinter and python 2.5.
I have a parser method which so far takes the inputt
you can use regular expressions,
import re
test = '-x^2+3x+2x^3-x'
for m in re.finditer( r'(-{0,1}\d*)x\^{0,1}(-{0,1}\d*)', test ):
coef, expn = list( map( lambda x: x if x != '' and x != '-' else x + '1' ,
m.groups( ) ))
print ( 'coef:{}, exp:{}'.format( coef, expn ))
coef:-1, exp:2
coef:3, exp:1
coef:2, exp:3
coef:-1, exp:1
Look for "recursive descent parser". It's the canonical method for analysis of strings where some operator precedence is involved.
It looks like you're implementing something that already exists, in python and other math languages. See for example: