I am trying to convert the following to use React.memo
interface Props {
// props...
export function Table({
Don't you need to pass a component as the first parameter of React.memo
? I couldn't test it, but I feel like this is the thought process:
// Overall format:
export const Table = memo(MyComponent, MyFunction)
// With empty arrow function:
export const Table = memo(MyComponent, () => {})
// With your code:
export const Table = memo(MyComponent, ({propA, propB}: Props<TRowData>) => {
I solved it by keeping it as a function, renaming the function to TableComponent
and doing:
export const Table = memo(TableComponent) as typeof TableComponent
Simple, just pass a non-arrow function to React.memo
export const Table = React.memo(function<T>(props: Props<T>) {
or if you need default export:
export default React.memo(function Table<T>(props: Props<T>) {
With current React type declarations, it is not possible to create a generic component out of React.memo
. A solution without type assertions is to add an additional memo function overload to leverage TS 3.4 higher order function type inference:
import React, { memo } from "react"
declare module "react" { // augment React types
function memo<A, B>(Component: (props: A) => B): (props: A) => ReactElement | null
// return type is same as ReturnType<ExoticComponent<any>>
You then will be able to make Table
component generic. Just make sure to pass a generic function to memo
interface Props<T> {
a: T
const TableWrapped = <T extends {}>(props: Props<T>) => <div>{props.a}</div>
const Table = memo(TableWrapped)
const App = () => (
<Table a="foo" /> {/* (props: Props<string>) => ... */}
<Table a={3} /> {/* (props: Props<number>) => ... */}