I have managed to create a custom element to use the boostrap-select element. However, I can pass/bind values to it from the main view (parent) but I am unable to get the select
The following code works for me, in case anyone has the same issue:
import {inject, customElement, bindable} from 'aurelia-framework';
import 'bootstrap-select'
export class BootStrapSelectPicker {
@bindable name: string;
@bindable selectableValues;
@bindable selectedValue;
constructor(private element) {
attached() {
var self = this;
var $: any = jQuery;
var $elm = $(self.element).find('select');
if ($elm.length > 0) {
$elm.on('change', function () {
self.selectedValue = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
selectedValueChanged(newValue, oldValue) {
var $: any = jQuery;
var $elm = $(this.element).find('select');
private refreshPicker = ($elm) => {
Turns out to be a simple scope issue:
style: 'btn-info',
size: 4
$('.selectpicker').on('change', function(){
var selected = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
this.selectedValue = selected; // <-- This here doesn't refer to the VM any more
// if you look at the line above you are wrapping $(this) with jq, this works
// because 'this' is now in the scope of the calling element but
// doesn't refer to the aurelia viewmodel
Simple fix is:
var self = this; // <--- Create a ref to the VM
style: 'btn-info',
size: 4
$('.selectpicker').on('change', function(){
var selected = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
// Change this to self
self.selectedValue = selected; // <--- Correct object gets the value now - binding works
I'm not sure how this will actually be handled in ES6/7 - I'm sure I read somewhere about how this
will change, but since you are transpiling to ES5 it's definitely something to watch out for