I have a book that says to do the following.
Right click on My computer and select properties.
Click on Advance system settings.
Visit http://codebrizz.blogspot.com.ng/2016/07/installation-and-configuration.html for full configuration guide with images for each step
$ANT_HOME doesn't mean $ANT_HOME, literally. $ANT_HOME means "the value of ANT_HOME".
If Ant is installed at c:\ant
, your environment variables should be:
PATH = ...;c:\ant\bin;...
Same for JAVA_HOME.
you can try the following:
SET ANT_HOME=my_path_to_ant_folder
SET JAVA_HOME=my_path_to_jdk_folder
Now you can define an environment variable, type JAVA_HOME in Variable name and in Variable value the path to you JAVA_HOME, the same thing goes for ANT_HOME.