I am using the center tag to center a heading in my form, \"Please register your details\". It works perfectly like I want it to but it fails the validation. Does any one else
Put your heading into a div and text-align:center it. If I am not wrong center has been deprecated. All this stuff should sit in your css.
<div style="text-align:center">
Please register your details
Instead of using <center>
which will force your design to be centered forever, you should deal with it in CSS:
form legend { text-align:center;font-weight:bold; }
While the width of the label element by default is 100%, the display is still inline. Without using the block display AND specifying a width: margin:0 auto;
will NOT work.
The only correct use for this instance is:
<legend style="text-align:center;">Please Register Your Details</legend>
Setting a width for this would be unwise, as the physical font width can vary between browsers, and "over compensating" the width will result in offsetting the text from the center.