We can post to facebook friend\'s wall a text message, but how can we post an image, a picture to a friend\'s wall using Android Facebook SDK?
When I print out the wall
This is the method i use to post a picture to a wall, it posts a pic from a URL but you can change it to put a byte[]
for the pic instead. The message appears above the picture and the caption appears to the right of the picture.
protected void postPicToWall(String userID, String msg, String caption, String picURL){
try {
if (isSession()) {
String response = mFacebook.request((userID == null) ? "me" : userID);
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", msg);
params.putString("caption", caption);
params.putString("picture", picURL);
response = mFacebook.request(((userID == null) ? "me" : userID) + "/feed", params, "POST");
if (response == null || response.equals("") ||
response.equals("false")) {
Log.v("Error", "Blank response");
} else {
// no logged in, so relogin
Log.d(TAG, "sessionNOTValid, relogin");
mFacebook.authorize(this, PERMS, new LoginDialogListener());
}catch(Exception e){
To post a byte[] rather than a url to a pic then replace the line
params.putString("picture", picURL);
params.putByteArray("picture", getIntent().getExtras().getByteArray("data"));
where data is your array.
Using bundle method.
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", "Test Post from karthick");
params.putString("caption", "Karthick kumar");
params.putString("name", "Hai Dude");
**params.putString("icon", "http://www.facebook.com/images/icons/default_app_icon.gif");**
params.putString("source", link);
And Then Use... mAsyncRunner.request(wall, params,"POST", new RequestListener());