I would like to create a Google Sheets with event triggers. I\'m using Google Apps Script.
I succeeded, thanks to Stack Overflow, to create a Google Sheets with an autom
You can use a simple script that runs on a timer trigger and checks for any modification in a specific column in your sheet.
I use script like that for a lot of tasks, including calendar and sheets monitoring.
Below is a test code that works on column F, you have to run it once manually to create the scriptProperties value that I use to detect changes.
Then create a time trigger to run it every hour or any other timer value you find useful.
The only issue would be if you have a very long sheet, you could reach the length limit of the properties... (right now I don't remember the max length, will have to check ;-)
function checkColumnF() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sh.getRange('F1:F').getValues().join('-');
if(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getKeys().length==0){ // first time you run the script
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
var oldValues = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('oldValues').split('-');
var valuesArray = values.split('-');
while (valuesArray.length>oldValues.length){
oldValues.push('x'); // if you append some rows since last exec
Logger.log('oldValues = '+oldValues)
Logger.log('current values = '+valuesArray)
for(var n=0;n<valuesArray.length;n++){
if(oldValues[n] != valuesArray[n]){ // check for any difference
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
function sendMail(row,val){
Logger.log('value changed on row '+row+' value = '+val+' , mail sent');
// uncomment below when you are sure everything runs fine to avoid sending dozens of emails while you test !
//MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(),'value changed in your sheet','Row '+row+' is now '+val);