Passing Protractor ElementFinder to deferred.fulfill() results in a promise containing a null value

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礼貌的吻别 2021-01-21 11:18

I am calling deferred.fulfill() with a Protractor elementfinder as a parameter. When placing a breakpoint on the fulfill I can see that the elementfinder \"solutionElement\" is

  • 2021-01-21 11:24

    I usually use the map, filter, action/assert pattern. It looks something like this:

    element.all(locator).map(function(elm, index) {
      // Get the value you are interested in finding and return the element too.
      return {
        elm: elm,
        text: elm.getText(),
        index: index
    }).then(function(list) {
      // Find your text here. Otherwise fail.
      for(var i = 0; i<list.length; i++) {
        if(list[i].text === name) {
          return list[i].elm;
      throw new Error('Solution not found');
    }).then(function(elm) {
      // Perform an action on the element you found.;

    Map will fully resolve all the promises before the results are passed to the next then in the chain.

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