In my ES mapping I have an \'uri\' field which is currently set to not_analysed and I\'m not allowed to change the mapping.I wanted to search for uri parts with a query_string q
From the docs, it seems like you need a new analyzer that first transforms to lowercase and then can run the search. Have you tried that?
As I read it, your pattern, lowercase_expanded_terms, only applies to expansions, not to regular words
Whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy, and range queries are to be automatically lower-cased or not (since they are not analyzed). Default it true
Try to use match query instead of query string.
"sort": [
"updated": {
"order": "desc"
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"uri": "*w3\\.org\\/2014\\/01\\/a*"
"size": 50
Query string queries are not analyzed and but match queries are analyzed.