FromJSON make a list from multiple fields

前端 未结 2 1081
孤街浪徒 2021-01-21 10:56

I have an object to parse that looks a bit like this :

      \"virtio0\": \"some text\",
      \"virtio1\": \"blah\",
      \"ide2\": \"s         

  • 2021-01-21 11:01

    While I don't consider myself a Haskell expert, and even less of an Aeson expert, I think I've found something that works. Take it for what it is.

    The following code all makes use of this module declaration and these imports:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    module Main where
    import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))
    import Data.Aeson
    import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
    import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap, foldlWithKey')
    import Data.Foldable (toList)
    import Data.Text (Text, stripPrefix, unpack)
    import Text.Read (readMaybe)

    I changed the type declarations slightly:

    data DiskType = Virtio | Sata | IDE deriving (Show)
    data Disk =
      Disk { diskType :: DiskType, diskNumber :: Int, diskPath :: Text }
      deriving (Show)
    data VM = VM { cores :: Int, disks :: [Disk], mem :: Int } deriving (Show)

    The most notable difference is that I added diskNumber to the Disk type, so that it can capture both the number after the disk type, as well as the text associated with the disk property.

    The other change was that I made all types be instances of Show. This was only to be able to test whether or not my code works.

    First, I defined a little helper function that can find the number after a given prefix:

    findNumber :: Read a => Text -> Text -> Maybe a
    findNumber prefix candidate =
      stripPrefix prefix candidate >>= (readMaybe . unpack)


    *Main Data.Text> findNumber (pack "ide") (pack "ide2") :: Maybe Int
    Just 2
    *Main Data.Text> findNumber (pack "sata") (pack "sata0") :: Maybe Int
    Just 0
    *Main Data.Text> findNumber (pack "foo") (pack "bar") :: Maybe Int

    This enabled me to write a function that finds all the disks in an Object:

    findDisks :: HashMap Text Value -> [Disk]
    findDisks = foldlWithKey' folder []
        findVirtio k s = flip (Disk Virtio) s <$> findNumber "virtio" k
        findSata   k s = flip (Disk Sata)   s <$> findNumber "sata"   k
        findIde    k s = flip (Disk IDE)    s <$> findNumber "ide"    k
        folder acc k (String s) =
          acc ++ toList (findVirtio k s <|> findSata k s <|> findIde k s)
        folder acc _ _ = acc

    Object is a type alias for HashMap Text Value, so this function takes an Object as input, and returns a list of the Disk values that it could find.

    This is enough to define an instance of FromJSON for VM:

    instance FromJSON VM where
      parseJSON = withObject "VM" $ \o -> do
        let disks = findDisks o
        cores <- o .: "cores"
        mem   <- o .: "mem"
        return $ VM cores disks mem

    In order to test that this works, I created this JSON string:

    myJson :: ByteString
    myJson =
          \\"virtio0\": \"some text\",\
          \\"virtio1\": \"blah\",\
          \\"ide2\": \"some other text\",\
          \\"cores\": 1,\
          \\"mem\": 512\

    and used it from main:

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let vms = decode myJson :: Maybe [VM]
      print vms

    When executed, it prints the decoded value:

    Just [VM {cores = 1, disks = [Disk {diskType = IDE, diskNumber = 2, diskPath = "some other text"},Disk {diskType = Virtio, diskNumber = 1, diskPath = "blah"},Disk {diskType = Virtio, diskNumber = 0, diskPath = "some text"}], mem = 512}]

    Notice that the JSON parsed here is simply an array of VM objects. I didn't include the outer container object with the data property, but if you need help with that, I think that ought to be a separate question :)

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  • 2021-01-21 11:03

    If as you said there are only 9 virtio and 2 ide, one simple and perhaps not so elegent way to do is to use the asum function from Data.Foldable (which is generalised choice from various parsing libraries)

    import Control.Applicative
    instance FromJSON VM where
      parseJSON = withObject "VM" $ \o -> do
        cores <- o .: "cores"
        mem   <- o .: "mem"
        disk  <- optional $ asum [
          o .: "virtio0",
          o .: "virtio1",
          o .: "virtio2",
        return VM{..}

    I haven't tried the code yet. For further reference, see this link for a comprehensive guide of haskell JSON parsing with the Aeson library.

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