I have a Perl script which uses a not-so-common module, and I want it to be usable without that module being installed, although with limited functionality. Is it possible?
I recommend employing Module::Load so that the intention is made clear.
Edit: disregard the comments, Module::Load is in core.
Another approach is to use Class::MOP's load_class method. You can use it like:
Class::MOP::load_class( 'foobar', $some_options )
It throws an exception so you'll have to catch that. More info here.
Also, while this isn't necessarily on every system Class::MOP is awfully useful to have and with Moose becoming more prevalent every day it likely is on your system.
Consider the if pragma.
You can use require to load modules at runtime, and eval to trap possible exceptions:
eval {
require Foobar;
if ($@) {
warn "Error including Foobar: $@";
See also perldoc use.