I want to use this fantastic Javascript Library on my little web project.
I\'ve downloaded PrettyDiff.js and ViewDiff.js
I\'ve bee
var str = "<html><body><h1>hello</h1></body><html>";
// Options can be viewed at:
// http://prettydiff.com/documentation.xhtml#function_properties
var options = {
source: str,
mode : "beautify", // beautify, diff, minify, parse
lang : "html",
wrap : 100,
inchar : "\t", // indent character
insize : 1 // number of indent characters per indent
var pd = prettydiff(options); // returns and array: [beautified, report]
var pretty = pd[0];
var report = pd[1];
Don't exactly know what you want to accomplish, but there are several examples on the site itself. https://prettydiff.com/2/samples.xhtml
Also, documentation. https://prettydiff.com/documentation.xhtml