I have a dataframe, and one of the variables (let\'s call it Q1) has several levels: \"No use\", \"30 min\", \"1 hour\", \"2 hours\", \"3+ hours\".
How can I plot a barp
One possibility is to create a factor
version of Q1 where you specify the levels
in the desired order:
df$Q1_fac <- factor(df$Q1, levels = c("30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "3+ hours"))
tt <- table(df$Q1_fac)
# Q1_fac
# 30 min 1 hour 2 hours 3+ hours
# 2 4 3 4
As stated by Henrik, you need to get your data into a factor (at least this is the easiest easiest way to make this happen). Consider the following example with some fake data...
#generate 1000 random uniform integers between 1 and 5
data <- floor(runif(1000, 1,6))
#make data a factor with given labels
fdata <- factor(data,
labels = c("No use",
"30 min",
"1 hour",
"2 hours",
"3+ hours"))
This can be done in base r with plot (barplot is not required when y is not specified)
#in base R, just use plot - when y is missing, barplot is produced
You can also plot in ggplot2
#in ggplot2
#make a dataframe
df <- data.frame(id = seq(1:length(fdata)),
fdata = fdata)
#plot via geom_bar
ggplot(df, aes(fdata)) + geom_bar()
Proceeding from your original example, in addition to specifying levels, you are going to need to set ordered=TRUE
as shown below. Otherwise, "No use" will still show up at the end of your list.
#get data into a factor (provided data plus "No use")
q1 <- c("No use"
,"1 hour"
,"1 hour"
,"30 min"
,"2 hours"
,"3+ hours"
,"3+ hours"
,"3+ hours"
,"3+ hours"
,"2 hours"
,"1 hour"
,"2 hours"
,"1 hour"
,"30 min")
q1f = factor(q1,
levels = c("No use",
"30 min",
"1 hour",
"2 hours",
"3+ hours"),
Then you can apply the plot logic shown above...