I\'m using elm 0.17.1 and trying to interop with select2 javascript library(version 4.0.3), here is my Main.elm :
port module Main exposing (..)
import Html exp
To address this question I've made this example to demonstrate all the core ideas of integrating any third-party JavaScript technology in to your Elm app.
Here are the rules:
, if Elm app controls the
initialization logicPoints of interest in the example:
index.js — port subscription setup in JavaScript and select2 bootstrap code
App.elm — owns the configuration for select2 and subscribes to changes
The view provides a container for all the jQuery magic:
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ text (toString model)
, div [ id "select2-container" ] [] -- The container, where select2 will live
Any feedback is very welcome, I'm willing to improve this answer if you could tell me, what is missing.