Consider this array. It has no keys, so I am not sure I can use NSSortDescriptor. What would be the best method to sort them?
\"Thursday, July 30, 2009\"
You can use sortedArrayUsingFunction:
Here's some example code.
NSInteger dateSort(id s1, id s2, void *context)
NSDateFormatter* format = (NSDateFormatter*)context;
NSDate* d1 = [format dateFromString:s1];
NSDate* d2 = [format dateFromString:s2];
return [d1 compare:d2];
NSDateFormatter* format = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
// Find theses format codes here:
[format setDateFormat:@"EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"];
NSArray* myArray = getMyArray();
NSArray* sortedArray = [myArray sortedArrayUsingFunction:dateSort context:format];
There are a number of these sorts of sort methods in NSArray. It's worth looking at those to familiarize yourself with them.
NSArray * unsortedDates = ...;
NSArray * sortedDates = [unsortedDates sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];