When sniffing packets with scapy I can save them to a variable
sniffed = sniff(count=1)
Now I would like to see what\'s inside the packet by do
You are probably searching for scapy Hexdump(pkt) or hexraw(pkt) or repr(str(pkt))
for string encoded output. Note that sniff returns a list, not a single pkt.
If you want to access serialized packet bytes one by one just serialize the layers str(pkt)
to get a python (char/byte)-string.
for b in str(pkt):
print "char: %s ord/value: %d hex: %x"%(b,ord(b),ord(b))
If you have already read the packet as pkt you may see bytes by time :
from datetime import datetime
#Read each packet and append to the lists.
for p in pkt:
if IP in p:
pktTimes.append(pktTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))
# Convert list to series
bytes = pd.Series(pktBytes).astype(int)
# Convert the timestamp list to a pd date_time with the option “errors=coerce” to handle errors.
times = pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(pktTimes).astype(str), errors='coerce')
# Build the dataframe, set time as index
df = pd.DataFrame({'Bytes': bytes, 'Times':times})
df = df.set_index('Times')
# See how it looks in 2 seconds sums