I have been tinkering with this for a while now, I have the below code working but it searches more than I would like it to. I would like it to just search column C and not the
I would try it like this
finds cells in hidden rows, xlValues
skips themno need for the Select
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Sheets("State Agent List").Range("C1:C10000").Find(CStr(ComboBox22.Value), [c10000], xlFormulas, xlPart, , xlNext)
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = rng1.Row
MsgBox "Location not listed."
End If
Your problem is the use of ActiveCell
which if happens to be not within C1:C10000
will return nothing. Try this:
Dim searchRng As Range: Set searchRng = Sheets("State Agent List").Range("C1:C10000")
Dim r As Range
Set r = searchRng.Find(What:=ComboBox22.Value, After:=searchRng(searchRng.Count))
The argument searchRng(searchRng.Count)
pertains to the last cell of the Range you're working on. It works but it can be written explicitly this way:
Why do we need to set the After
argument to the last cell?
Main reason is for the search to begin from the very first cell. HTH