I\"m running a .net 4.5 application which makes secure outbound requests to an external server supporting only TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. All goes fine when i run the application from
I found an indirect proof for you.
SecurityProtocolType Enumeration
Specifies the security protocols that are supported by the Schannel security package.
Support for SSL/TLS protocols on Windows
Now let’s come to the point, on Windows the support for SSL/TLS protocols is tied to the SCHANNEL component. So, if a specific OS version doesn’t support a SSL/TLS version, this means it remains unsupported.
Secure channel compatibility support with SSL and TLS
because Windows Server 2008 does not support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 the WebRequest also fails.
Yes, this is the case.
Any documentation to point me to?
From https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/245030:
Windows Server 2008 supports the following protocols:
SSL 2.0
SSL 3.0
TLS 1.0
Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 support the following protocols:
SSL 2.0
SSL 3.0
TLS 1.0
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.2