invalid program counter value: 0

前端 未结 3 1275
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-21 04:44

I\'m currently working with assembly language under the MIPS processor. I\'m currently using MARS simulator and for reasons unknown I get the following error message after every

  • 2021-01-21 05:27

    You probably finish your program with a jr $ra (return to caller). However, the code executed by MARS doesn't have a caller - it's executed at startup and has no function to return to, so the contents of $ra are zero.

    The correct way to end a program on MARS is using the "exit" syscall:

        li $v0, 10
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  • 2021-01-21 05:28

    I know this question is old, but for anyone who was just like me and was desperately Googling for an answer: try doing the above syscall thing instead of a return, and try putting your main function before all other labels. Also, there's a "Initialize Program Counter to global "main" if defined" under the Settings menu; make sure that is checked. I do not know if enabling that allows you to put your main label after other labels, as I haven't tried that yet. What I have described is what I did to make it work, and nothing else. Good luck!

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  • 2021-01-21 05:33

    I am new to MIPS and I just had this problem. This is what I had:

        # do stuff
        jr  $ra
        # do stuff
        jal swap
        li  $v0,10

    I fixed it by changing it to this:

        # do stuff
        jal swap
        li  $v0,10
        # do stuff
        jr  $ra

    Notice I moved main to be before swap. I mistakenly assumed that main was a reserved label. And that it would automatically jump straight to main first. But apparently that isn't the case because it was hitting my jr $ra instruction before I got to call jal swap in main.

    Anyway, I hope this helps.

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