I am trying to add a space to each space until column = 0
. I am not sure how to do this.
The problem is the following. If you look at a newspaper you will s
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define WIDTH 70
#define _(x) #x
#define str(x) _(x)
void ruler_print(int n){
char ruler[] = "1234567890";
n -= 10;
ruler[n] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", ruler);
int count_word(const char *text, size_t *count_char){
int i;
char *wk, *p;
for(i=0;p=strtok(p, " ");++i,p=NULL){
return i;
int main(void){
int column, len, word_count;
int i, spaces, between, remain;
size_t count_char;
char text[WIDTH + 1];
char *p = text;
printf("Enter the width of the column: ");scanf("%d%*c", &column);
printf("Enter a line of text: ");scanf("%" str(WIDTH) "[^\n]", text);
if(len > column || len > WIDTH){
fprintf(stderr, "too long text!\n");
return -1;
word_count = count_word(text, &count_char);
spaces = column - count_char;
between = spaces / (word_count -1);
remain = spaces - (word_count -1)*between;
strtok(text, " ");
printf("%s%*s", p, between + (remain ? 1 : 0), " ");
if(remain) --remain;
p=strtok(NULL, " ");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;
This is what i made. It's far from ideal, but you get the point. You just need to put in conditions, like when the string entered is larger or equal than 40 chars, to skip the procedure.
int main(void)
int i = 0; // first just initialiaze stuff
char ch[40]; // memset the arrays, get the string
memset(ch, '\0', 40);
int diff = 40 - strlen(ch);
int spaces = 0;
if(*(ch + i++) == ' ') // count the number of words/spaces between words
char finalt[40];
memset(finalt, '\0', 40);
i = 0;
diff /= spaces; // diff is the number of spaces to be added between every word
i = 0;
int j = 0; // j is for the finalt array
int k = 0; // k counts through the while, to put in spaces
printf("%d\n", diff);
while(i<40) // just squeeze in the spaces
if(ch[i] == ' ') {while(k<diff){ finalt[j++] = ' '; k++;} k = 0;}
else {finalt[j] = ch[i]; j++;}
printf("%s\n", finalt); // print the result
return 0;