I know how to configure solr.home
by using Tomcat 6, but I don\'t know how to set solr.home
by using Glassfish(V2.1). I have tried to set the sol
Try to set the following:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr/"
Try setting a Java environment parameter from Java or edit your VM configuration:
System.setProperty("solr.solr.home", "/home/user/apache-solr-1.4/example/solr");
In my case I simply copied the 'solr' folder to glassfish/domains/domain1/config and it worked.
if you are running solr inside tomcat as a container you can specify the solr home inside the XML descriptor for this webapp. (my terminology for this is probably a little off).
I've got xml fragments for each solr instance I want to run and they specify their own local solr home directory inside the xml fragment. The fragments live at /conf/Catalina/localhost and each one manages a solr instance. This way I can have multiple solr instances on the same machine each with their own solr home variable.
The info is here: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrTomcat
In paticular
Create a Tomcat Context fragment to point docBase to the $SOLR_HOME/apache-solr-1.3.0.war file and solr/home to $SOLR_HOME:
Symlink or place the file in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr-example.xml, where Tomcat will automatically pick it up. Tomcat deletes the file on undeploy (which happens automatically if the configuration is invalid).