I saw that Azure now supports Python (preview) in the function apps. I have a existing Flask app and was wondering if it\'s possible to deploy that one as a function app without
I tried different ways to integrate Azure Functions for Python with Flask framework. Finally, I did it success in my HttpTrigger function named TryFlask
via app.test_client()
Here is my sample code, as below.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
def hi():
return 'Hi World!'
@app.route('/hello/<name>', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def hello(name=None):
return name != None and 'Hello, '+name or 'Hello, '+request.args.get('name')
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
with app.test_client() as c:
doAction = {
"GET": c.get(uri).data,
"POST": c.post(uri).data
resp = doAction.get(req.method).decode()
return func.HttpResponse(resp, mimetype='text/html')
For testing on local and Azure, to access the urls /
, '/hi' and /hello
via the url http(s)://<localhost:7071 or azurefunchost>/api/TryFlask
with query string ?uri=/
, ?uri=/hi
and ?uri=/hello/peter-pan
in browser, and to do the POST
method for the same url above with query string ?uri=/hello/peter-pan
, these are all work. Please see the results as the figures locally below, the same on cloud.
Note: In my solution, the url must have to be http(s)://<localhost:7071 or azurefunchost>/<routePrefix defined in host.json, default is api>/<function name>?uri=<uri defined in app.route, like / or /hi or /hello, even /hello/peter-pan?name=peter>
Flask can be used now out of the box with Python Azure Functions -> see https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-library/pull/45
Flask app is just an WSGI application. WSGI is a rather simple interface (see http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/wsgi-intro/what-is-wsgi.html. So instead of using test_client() as middleware to connect to the Azure function environment, a proper wsgi wrapper implementation should be used, which calls the app=Flask() object.
There is a nice Azure Python wsgi wrapper implementation "azf-wsgi" available in https://github.com/vtbassmatt/azf-wsgi.
In order to use the azf-wsgi wrapper with Flask, I found it useful to use a middleware to rewrite the URL:s from /api/app to / so when developing, I don't need to know where my Flask app gets mounted. Additional benefit is that my main.py is just a normal Flask application, which I can run locally without using Azure functions environment (way faster).
My HttpTriggerApp/__init__.py of Azure function is attached. The myFlaskApp-folder is located under the HttpTriggerApp. Remember to use rlative import in the http-trigger as well as main.py (from . import myHelperFooBar).
For host.json and function.json, follow the azf-wsgi instructions.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
# note that the package is "azf-wsgi" but the import is "azf_wsgi"
from azf_wsgi import AzureFunctionsWsgi
# Import the Flask wsgi app (note relative import from the folder under the httpTrigger-folder.
from .myFlaskAppFolder.main import app
# rewrite URL:s to Azure function mount point (you can configure this in host.json and function.json)
from werkzeug.middleware.dispatcher import DispatcherMiddleware
app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"] = "/api/app" # Flask app configuration so it knows correct endpoint urls
application = DispatcherMiddleware(None, {
'/api/app': app,
# Wrap the Flask app as WSGI application
def main(req: func.HttpRequest, context: func.Context) -> func.HttpResponse:
return AzureFunctionsWsgi(application).main(req, context)