I\'m working on a javascript sudoku, and as far as validation of input goes, I\'m stumped. As each value is entered into the sudoku table, I have an onkeyup triggering a functio
You can use this function to validate a solution :
// returns true if arraySolution is valid, false otherwise
function valid(arraySolution) {
for (var y = 0; y < 9; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < 9; ++x) {
var value = arraySolution[y][x];
if (value) {
// Check the line
for (var x2 = 0; x2 < 9; ++x2) {
if (x2 != x && arraySolution[y][x2] == value) {
return false;
// Check the column
for (var y2 = 0; y2 < 9; ++y2) {
if (y2 != y && arraySolution[y2][x] == value) {
return false;
// Check the square
var startY = Math.floor(y/3)*3;
for (var y2 = startY; y2 < startY + 3; ++y2) {
var startX = Math.floor(x/3)*3;
for (x2 = startX; x2 < startX + 3; ++x2) {
if ((x2 != x || y2 != y) && arraySolution[y2][x2] == value) {
return false;
return true;
jsBin demo
var x = 0, map = [
[x, x, 4, 5, x, 3, x, 7, x],
[x, x, x, x, x, x, 3, 1, x],
[3, 5, x, x, x, 9, 2, x, x],
[x, x, x, x, 2, x, 9, 3, 7],
[6, x, 9, x, x, x, 4, x, 8],
[4, 7, 2, x, x, x, x, x, x],
[x, x, 1, x, x, x, x, 5, 2],
[x, 4, 5, x, x, x, x, x, x],
[x, 6, x, 8, x, 1, 7, x, x]
// This is what the user played
// after every user input update the "user" object.
var user = {};
function numberExists() {
var err = [];
for(var r=0; r<9; r++){ // iterate map rows
if(map[r][user.cell] === user.num){ // current row, specific cell == Match?
err.push(user.num +" exists in Row"+ r +" Cell"+ user.cell);
if(r === user.row){ // Is this row selected by the user?
for(var c=0; c<9; c++){ // Iterate all cells of this row
if(map[r][c] === user.num){ // Match?
err.push(user.num +" exists in Row"+ r + " Cell"+ c);
console.log( err.join(" and ") );
} else { // No errors
console.log( "GOOD! Row"+ user.row +" Cell"+ user.cell );
// TEST /////
user.row = 4;
user.cell = 3;
user.num = 8;
numberExists(); // Trigger search!
will trigger (in the above example using r4, c3, n8)
"8 exists in Row4 Cell8 and 8 exists in Row8 Cell3"