r-contiguous matching, MATLAB

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I want to compare these two strings by r-contiguous matching rule. So in this example if we set r as 6 then it will return true for the first example and false for the second ex

  • 2021-01-21 01:49

    Case : Input strings with unique characters

    Here's one approach with ismember & strfind -

    matches = ismember(A,B) %// OR any(bsxfun(@eq,A,B.'),1)
    matches_ext = [0 matches 0]
    starts = strfind(matches_ext,[0 1])
    stops = strfind(matches_ext,[1 0])    
    interval_lens = stops - starts
    out = any(interval_lens >= r)

    Here's another with diff & find instead of strfind -

    matches = ismember(A,B) %// OR any(bsxfun(@eq,A,B.'),1)
    matches_ext = [0 matches 0]
    df = diff(matches_ext)
    interval_lens = find(df == -1) - find(df == 1)
    out = any(interval_lens >= r)

    Here's another with 1D convolution -

    matches = ismember(A,B) %// OR any(bsxfun(@eq,A,B.'),1)
    out = any(conv(double(matches),ones(1,r)) == r)

    Case : Input strings with non-unique characters

    Here's one approach using bsxfun -

    matches = bsxfun(@eq,A,B.');  %//'
    intv = (0:r-1)*(size(matches,1)+1)+1
    idx = find(matches)
    idx = idx(idx <= max(idx) - max(intv))
    out = any(all(matches(bsxfun(@plus,idx,intv)),2))
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