The app below contains a datatable of the iris
dataset with row selection enabled. I would like to disable selection for the first 3 rows specifically. I can do thi
It's strange that dataIndex does not work.
You can use some id for the rows instead.
disabled_rows = paste0("'", paste0("row", c(1,2,3)), "'")
rowCallback <- c(
"function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex){",
sprintf(" var indices = [%s];", toString(disabled_rows)),
" if(indices.indexOf($(row).attr('id')) > - 1){",
" $(row).find('td').addClass('notselectable').css({'background-color': '#eee', 'color': '#bbb'});",
" }",
dat <- iris
dat$ID <- paste0("row", 1:nrow(iris))
rowNames <- TRUE
colIndex <- as.integer(rowNames)
output$table <- renderDT({
rownames = rowNames,
callback = JS(get_selected_rows),
class = 'hover row-border order-column',
options = list(
rowId = JS(sprintf("function(data){return data[%d];}",
rowCallback = JS(rowCallback),
select = list(style = "multi", selector = "td:not(.notselectable)")
extensions = "Select", selection = 'none'
}, server = TRUE)