To specify SQLite connection properties there is org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig and it goes something like this:
org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig config = new org.sqlite.SQL
//put the imports where they really go, obviously...
import javax.sql.*;
import org.sqlite.*;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.*;
// configure SQLite
SQLiteConfig config = new org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig();
config.setPageSize(4096); //in bytes
config.setCacheSize(2000); //number of pages
// get an unpooled SQLite DataSource with the desired configuration
SQLiteDataSource unpooled = new SQLiteDataSource( config );
// get a pooled c3p0 DataSource that wraps the unpooled SQLite DataSource
DataSource pooled = DataSources.pooledDataSource( unpooled );
The DataSource pooled
will now be a c3p0 PooledDataSource that wraps an SQLite unpooled DataSource which has been configured as you wish.
Please see c3p0's docs, "Using the DataSources factory class", and the API docs for the DataSources factory class.
See also the javadocs for SQLite JDBC, which I downloaded from here to answer this question.