Couple of quick questions. I have a DMX king USB lighting controller that I\'m trying to control.
It\'s based on the Open DMX protocol (from Entec) who make available a
I fix the problem with Marshal.Copy
public static void writeDataThread(int Length)
int lngBytesWritten = 0;
IntPtr pnt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Length);
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, pnt, Length);
string StartCode = null;
FT_Write(handle, StartCode, 1, ref lngBytesWritten);
FT_Write(handle, pnt, Length, ref lngBytesWritten);
I ran Hippy's VB version through a mechanical VB to C# translator and found one key difference. FT_WRITE uses a string to pass data to the unmanaged code. The C# class uses an IPtr pointing to a byte array.
This version works for me:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
// based on Hippy's VB Example
// Working link:
namespace Test
class Program
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Open(short intDeviceNumber, ref int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Close(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetDivisor(int lngHandle, int div);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Read(int lngHandle, string lpszBuffer, int lngBufferSize, ref int lngBytesReturned);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Write(int lngHandle, string lpszBuffer, int lngBufferSize, ref int lngBytesWritten);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Write(int lngHandle, IntPtr lpBuffer, int lngBufferSize, ref int lngBytesWritten);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetBaudRate(int lngHandle, int lngBaudRate);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetDataCharacteristics(int lngHandle, byte byWordLength, byte byStopBits, byte byParity);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetFlowControl(int lngHandle, short intFlowControl, byte byXonChar, byte byXoffChar);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_ResetDevice(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetDtr(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_ClrDtr(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetRts(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_ClrRts(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_GetModemStatus(int lngHandle, ref int lngModemStatus);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_Purge(int lngHandle, int lngMask);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_GetStatus(int lngHandle, ref int lngRxBytes, ref int lngTxBytes, ref int lngEventsDWord);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_GetQueueStatus(int lngHandle, ref int lngRxBytes);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_GetEventStatus(int lngHandle, ref int lngEventsDWord);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetChars(int lngHandle, byte byEventChar, byte byEventCharEnabled, byte byErrorChar, byte byErrorCharEnabled);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetTimeouts(int lngHandle, int lngReadTimeout, int lngWriteTimeout);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetBreakOn(int lngHandle);
[DllImport("FTD2XX.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int FT_SetBreakOff(int lngHandle);
// FTDI Constants
const short FT_OK = 0;
const short FT_INVALID_HANDLE = 1;
const short FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = 2;
const short FT_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED = 3;
const short FT_IO_ERROR = 4;
// Word Lengths
const byte FT_BITS_8 = 8;
// Stop Bits
const byte FT_STOP_BITS_2 = 2;
// Parity
const byte FT_PARITY_NONE = 0;
// Flow Control
const byte FT_FLOW_NONE = 0x0;
// Purge rx and tx buffers
const byte FT_PURGE_RX = 1;
const byte FT_PURGE_TX = 2;
public static int handle=0;
public static byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; // can be up to 512, shorter is faster
private static string lpszBuffer=""+ (char) 0 + (char) 64 + (char) 64+ (char) 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
public static string init()
short n = 0;
if (FT_Open(n, ref handle) != FT_OK)
return "FTTD Not Found";
// reset the device
if (FT_ResetDevice(handle) != FT_OK)
return "Failed To Reset Device!";
// get an ID from the widget from jumpers
// GetID(ref n);
// set the baud rate
if (FT_SetDivisor(handle, 12) != FT_OK)
return "Failed To Set Baud Rate!";
// shape the line
if (FT_SetDataCharacteristics(handle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_2, FT_PARITY_NONE) != FT_OK)
return "Failed To Set Data Characteristics!";
// no flow control
if (FT_SetFlowControl(handle, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0) != FT_OK)
return "Failed to set flow control!";
// set bus transiever to transmit enable
if (FT_ClrRts(handle) != FT_OK)
return "Failed to set RS485 to send!";
// Clear TX & RX buffers
if (FT_Purge(handle, FT_PURGE_TX) != FT_OK)
return "Failed to purge TX buffer!";
// empty buffers
if (FT_Purge(handle, FT_PURGE_RX) != FT_OK)
return "Failed to purge RX buffer!";
setDmxValue(0, 0); // should always be zero
setDmxValue(1, 64);
setDmxValue(2, 64);
setDmxValue(3, 0);
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(writeDataThread));
return "Ok";
// init
public static void setDmxValue(int channel, byte value)
buffer[channel] = value;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
lpszBuffer += (char)buffer[i];
public static void writeDataThread()
bool done = false;
int lngBytesWritten=0;
while (!done)
FT_Write(handle, lpszBuffer, buffer.Length, ref lngBytesWritten);
I wrote the C# class on the open dmx site. It was based on Hippy's Open DMX driver written in VB.
// Old broken link:
// Working link:
The C# Class in not initializing something on the FDDI chip.
This has been tormenting me for years.
I have my suspicions about FT_SetFlowControl. In the VB app, the second parameter is a short int. But any call to it's equivalent in the C# class will only work if the second parameter is cast to a char.
public static extern FT_STATUS FT_SetFlowControl(uint ftHandle, UInt16 usFlowControl, byte uXon, byte uXoff);
FTDI chips have GPIO pins in addition to the serial ports. Hopefully the documentation tells you whether these need to be set. The function is FT_SetBitMode
. Documentation here.
To resolve this, I emailed the manufacturer. It turned out that the device wasn't OpenDMX, in fact it was a DMXProUSB The protocol was pretty similar, and it was based on the FTDI chip which is why the code partly worked, but it has a microcontroller in it. I converted the C++ example controller file to C# and got it all working. If this ever comes up again, I am happy to share the resulting c# code for the DMXProUSB however with no support. I have emailed the code to the manfacturer (dmxking) and have placed a copy on github:
Thanks for your help