I\'ve written a function that changes the css positioning of a div
I\'ve been successfully using setTimeout to call the function at a specific interval
NOW what
You need to "anchor" the value of your loop iterator, otherwise it keeps incrementing and all the intervals affect the 29th one, which doesn't exist.
for(var x=0; x<28; x++) {
(function(x) {
// code goes here
However, 28 timers on one page is a really bad idea. Consider rewriting your code so that you only have one interval that calculates the new positions based on the speed value.
My approach to these self calling functions.
var i = -1;
(function cssPositioning() {
if ( i < 28 ) {
setInterval(cssPositioning, divs[divlist[i]].speed);
Based on @Kolink's explanation, you can try
for (var x = 0; x < 28; x++){
var local = x; //anchor the variable
changeDirection(divlist[local])}, divs[divlist[local]].speed);
Hope this helps.