Exceptions in PyQt event loop and ipython

前端 未结 1 939
南笙 2021-01-20 23:03

I have a PyQt program that is displaying some widgets and buttons.

I want the program to run either as a standalone python instance, or inside an ipython environment. I

  • 2021-01-20 23:45

    Actually, the dev's answer pointed me in the right direction: the problem is that each time an ipython cell is executed, a new sys.excepthook is monkeypatched, once the execution is done, the sys.excepthook is brought back to the previous one (see ipkernel/kernelapp.py).

    Because of this, changing sys.excepthook in a normal ipython cell instruction will not change the excepthook that is executed during the qt event loop.

    A simple solution is to monkeypatch sys.excepthook inside a qt event:

    from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
    import sys
    from traceback import format_exception
    def new_except_hook(etype, evalue, tb):
                                      ''.join(format_exception(etype, evalue, tb)))
    def patch_excepthook():
        sys.excepthook = new_except_hook
    TIMER = QtCore.QTimer()

    A nice thing about this method is that it works for standalone and ipython execution alike.

    I guess one could also imagine to monkey patch a different version of new_except_hook depending on what widget is triggering the exception by calling patch_excepthook inside the event_handler of each widget.

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