I am using spark version 2.3 and working on some poc wherein, I have to load some bunch of csv files to spark dataframe.
Considering below csv as a sample which I need t
As requested by the OP, I am jotting down the answer here in PySpark
First of all, just load the data without any prespecified schema, also as done by @AndrzejS
df = spark.read.option("header", "true").csv("data/yourdata.csv")
| id|name|age|loaded_date| sex|
| 1| ABC| 32| 2019-09-11| M|
| 2|null| 33| 2019-09-11| M|
| 3| XYZ| 35| 2019-08-11| M|
| 4| PQR| 32| 2019-30-10| M|
| 5| EFG| 32| null|null|
| 6| DEF| 32| 2019/09/11| M|
| 7| XYZ| 32| 2017-01-01| 9|
| 8| KLM| XX| 2017-01-01| F|
| 9| ABC|3.2| 2019-10-10| M|
| 10| ABC| 32| 2019-02-29| M|
Then, we need to determine the which of the values do not fit into the scheme of columns. For eg; XX
or 32
cannot be an age
, so these values need to be marked as Null
. We do a test if this value is an Integer
or else. Similarly, we do the test if loaded_date
is indeed a date
or not and fianlly we check if the sex
is either F/M
. Please refer to my previous post on these tests.
df = df.select('id','name',
'age', (col('age').cast('int').isNotNull() & (col('age').cast('int') - col('age') == 0)).alias('ageInt'),
| id|name|age|ageInt|loaded_date|loaded_dateDate| sex|
| 1| ABC| 32| true| 2019-09-11| true| M|
| 2|null| 33| true| 2019-09-11| true| M|
| 3| XYZ| 35| true| 2019-08-11| true| M|
| 4| PQR| 32| true| 2019-30-10| false| M|
| 5| EFG| 32| true| null| false|null|
| 6| DEF| 32| true| 2019/09/11| false| M|
| 7| XYZ| 32| true| 2017-01-01| true| 9|
| 8| KLM| XX| false| 2017-01-01| true| F|
| 9| ABC|3.2| false| 2019-10-10| true| M|
| 10| ABC| 32| true| 2019-02-29| false| M|
Finally, using if/else
, which is pyspark is when/otherwise
to mark irrelevant values as Null
df = df.withColumn('age',when(col('ageInt')==True,col('age')).otherwise(None))\
| id|name| age|loaded_date| sex|
| 1| ABC| 32| 2019-09-11| M|
| 2|null| 33| 2019-09-11| M|
| 3| XYZ| 35| 2019-08-11| M|
| 4| PQR| 32| null| M|
| 5| EFG| 32| null|null|
| 6| DEF| 32| null| M|
| 7| XYZ| 32| 2017-01-01|null|
| 8| KLM|null| 2017-01-01| F|
| 9| ABC|null| 2019-10-10| M|
| 10| ABC| 32| null| M|
you can try something like that, without udfs:
val data = spark.read.option("header", "true").csv("data/yourdata.csv")
val data2 = data.select('id,
.equalTo('age) && 'age.cast("int").isNotNull )
('sex.cast("int").isNotNull || 'sex.isNull).notEqual("true").as("isCHAR"))
| id|isINT|isDATE|isCHAR|
| 1| true| true| true|
| 2| true| true| true|
| 3| true| true| true|
| 4| true| false| true|
| 5| true| false| false|
| 6| true| false| true|
| 7| true| true| false|
| 8|false| true| true|
| 9|false| true| true|
| 10| true| false| true|
val corrupted = data2.select('id,
| id|isCorrupted|
| 1| false|
| 2| false|
| 3| false|
| 4| true|
| 5| true|
| 6| true|
| 7| true|
| 8| true|
| 9| true|
| 10| true|
| id|name|age|loaded_date| sex|isCorrupted|
| 1| ABC| 32| 2019-09-11| M| false|
| 2|null| 33| 2019-09-11| M| false|
| 3| XYZ| 35| 2019-08-11| M| false|
| 4| PQR| 32| 2019-30-10| M| true|
| 5| EFG| 32| null|null| true|
| 6| DEF| 32| 2019/09/11| M| true|
| 7| XYZ| 32| 2017-01-01| 9| true|
| 8| KLM| XX| 2017-01-01| F| true|
| 9| ABC|3.2| 2019-10-10| M| true|
| 10| ABC| 32| 2019-02-29| M| true|